This post would have been much cooler if things had gone differently. I had planned to write all about how Hillary Clinton was going to have one of the longest and most extensive histories as a DC resident of any President. She's lived in DC for all or part of 26 years over a period of 48 years. Only LBJ and James Buchanan had spent more time in Washington prior to becoming President, and no one had a DC residency that lasted over a longer period. It's possible that Clinton was even once registered to vote in DC.
But... instead we have Donald Trump, who has never lived in DC.
Anyway, here's a history of Clinton's residency in DC, in case you're still interested.
1968 - GWU Campus
Clinton, than Hillary Rodham, first came to DC in the summer of 1968 as part of the Wellesley Internship Program. She lived on the George Washington University Campus, though I don't know which dorm she lived in, and worked for the House Republican Conference.
1970 - Capitol Hill
Rodham returned to DC in June of 1970 to work for Marian Wright Edelman at the Washington Research Project, the precursor to the Children's Defense Fund. I know even less about where she lived then, but do know that it was somewhere on Capitol Hill.
1974 - Southwest DC
In January of 1974, Rodham came back to DC again, this time to work on the House Watergate Committee. During her 8 months in DC, she lived with Sarah Ehrman. Ehrman had met Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham back
when all of them had been campaigning for George McGovern in 1972. A couple of
years later, Hillary was looking for a place to stay in Washington while she
worked on the House Watergate Committee and she called Ehrman for suggestions.
As it happened, Ehrman’s son had just gone off to college and his room was
free. Every morning, she would drive Hillary to Capitol Hill and drop her off
at work.” According to the DC phone books from 1973-1975, Ehrman lived at 218 M Street, SW in a condominium that at the time would have been brand new. It is still there, but I don't know if the current owner is aware of the famous person who once lived in their 2nd bedroom. This would make Clinton only the 2nd President to have lived in Southwest DC (I mean, if...) It's during this time that she may have registered to vote in DC.
1993-2001 The White House
It would be nearly 20 years before Clinton returned, this time as First Lady and living in the White House. Later she would live there, briefly, as a Senator, making her the only sitting Senator to live in the White House (At least one House member has done so). Had she been elected President, she would have only been the 2nd person to live in the White House before being President - the other was Madison. Bill Clinton would be the first person to live in the White House after being President (not counting people who were just slow to move out)
2001-2016 Whitehaven
Though not her official residence, as she's a resident of New York, Clinton has lived in her house at 3067 Whitehaven Street as a Senator, Secretary of State and candidate for President for almost 16 years.